Welcome To *Ska Jerk!

"True ska is music with a soul"
Prince Buster

Inside you'll find:

A brief history of ska and rocksteady

You'll be able to listen in on Ska Jerk Radio where there's over 36 hours of ska (over 700+ songs with more to come) playing just about everything from the late 50's through the 2- Tone era and on up to today's modern and traditional sounds. 24/7 non-stop!

Looking for a link? You'll find over one hundred links for bands, venues, reference sites, labels, promoters, general and regional sites and more.

You'll also find some information on my former band, Los Hooligans

What Is Ska?

Ska Jerk Radio

SJR Play List



My Collection

Los Hooligans

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*"Ska Jerk" is an old Bob Marley tune written back in 1965 and is one of four songs that The Wailers did on a dance called The Jerk.
The others being "The Jerk", "Jerk All Night" and "Jerking Time".


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Thanks to everyone who has given me input on the site.
I am always open for suggestions so let me know what can be done to improve the site.

A special thanks to Kelly for designing the Ska Jerk logo and banner!

Ska Jerk was last updated on 5 FEB, 2009

This site is always, and I stress always under construction
Quality control is maintained by Pumice, The Abusive Chain-Smoking Clown who says...


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